A Psychotherapist's Guide -The 7 Types of Rest and Ways to Incorporate It

The Your Story Counseling Center offers individual, couple and family trauma and sexual counseling for a variety of needs. All of our doctors have at least a master's degree in psychotherapy and use research-based methods and procedures. Our therapeutic practice for resident therapists provides cost-effective therapeutic solutions. We are passionate and compassionate professionals on a mission to make more people's lives better and happier every day.

 Many people tend to dismiss it when they feel tired. But even if we get more than enough sleep, how come we wake up feeling low on energy right from the start? When you get enough rest but still can't shake the feeling of exhaustion, you're not alone. Sleep doesn't always work the way we want it to, and when you're struggling with sleep, it can be a concept you're well aware of. Read on to find out what the registered psychotherapist has to say about the different types of relaxation and the tools and tips she shares with her clients every day on how to incorporate them into their daily lives.

1. Physical Rest: Creating Restorative Movement Many of us already know that the recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is anywhere from seven to nine hours. But did you know that there are different types of physical rest? The main types of physical rest are: Passive: Sleep and naps are the two most common types of passive sleep. Active: stretching, yoga, massages and more. Combination: You need to do specific things to ensure that both types of rest are optimal for your body, such as staying hydrated and taking rest days from exercise. If you feel like you're having trouble getting enough sleep, it might be ideal to see a health and mental health professional to find out what the problem is. TIP: You can take advantage of YouTube's extensive library of videos available online from creators such as Yoga with a Bird and Yoga with Adrienne. They have a great selection of videos that range from light, low impact stretching to full body strength stretching.

2. Mental rest: Quieting the mind Even though our bodies have reached optimal physical rest, this does not always guarantee that our minds are fully rested. People who struggle with getting enough mental rest are most likely to be seen relying on energy drinks or caffeine to keep them going throughout the day. It will also be difficult to turn off your thoughts when it is time to sleep. When our body is rested but our mind is not, there are several ways to try: Meditation: When we need to tune out unnecessary thoughts and give ourselves some mental rest, this is a great thing to try. A change of scenery: Sometimes you need to get away from the hustle and bustle of life and nothing does that better than taking a short trip. Go to a place that gives you the relaxation you're looking for, schedule small breaks: It's important to take time for yourself, especially on busy days. While taking breaks may seem natural when working in a physical office, working from home makes it difficult to schedule breakouts. Consider using apps to help you time these short breaks. We especially enjoy Stand Up! Work Break Timer for ease of use and simplicity. If problems in your life are preventing you from reaching your mental rest, it may be helpful to consider trauma therapy, family therapy, or even couples therapy, depending on your needs. TIP: Use a timer app on your phone or schedule breaks on your calendar. You can even get Alexa or Google to remind you to take breaks! Consider using YouTube videos such as Meditation in a Container ([https://youtu.be/UfgoKNejOBs%5d(https:/youtu.be/UfgoKNejOBs](https://youtu.be/UfgoKNejOBs%5d(https:/youtu .be/) UfgoKNejOBs) to help you start your meditation.

3. Sensory Rest: Recalibrating Our Nervous System Input Bright lights, multiple distractions, and constant noise can be quite overwhelming for your senses. They can even make you see or hear things when there aren't any. Taking a short break, even by closing your eyes, can help relieve some of this sensory overload. TIP: As you learn to control sensory overload, consider limiting screen time (on all devices) and turning off notifications. You can also use free tools like Headspace and Calm App to schedule time away from distractions.

4. Creative rest: Feel inspired If you're facing a creative block that prevents you from focusing on many things and brainstorming, you may feel suppressed. A creative break will ensure you feel instantly inspired. Connecting with nature is ideal for clearing the mind of all distractions and starting with a fresh mind. Physical activities like walking, hiking or even tending to your plants will leave you feeling re-energized in no time. It's also a great time to use free apps that help tap into your creative side, like All Trails Hiking apps, Coloring apps, Sudoku apps, and more! Stimulate your mind with a little creative exercise. Getting cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is also ideal for reshaping the way you think to achieve better ways to overcome your creative blocks. TIP: If you're specifically trying to reconnect with your creative side, consider fun hobbies like knitting, listening. to music, watching movies, dancing or playing creative games as a way to achieve this.

5. Social rest: Reconnect with yourself Some relationships fill our lives and those that drain us. But it can be tricky to figure out which is which, and sometimes you need to take a break from it all to make sure you get your priorities straight. It is important to recognize who is draining your energy and learn to say no to them. You can also organize game nights or movie nights with people who uplift and energize you. Use the Netflix Party extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/netflix-party/bncibciebfeopcomdaknelhcohiidaoe#:~:text=Netflix) and start planning away. TIP: A quiet night with no Zoom or FaceTime calls to distract you is just what you need. Reconnect with yourself by journaling, organizing your space, lighting candles, and doing whatever it takes to take care of yourself.

6. Emotional Rest: Heal Your Heart When you need a safe space to heal your emotional side, it's time to reflect and see what needs to change. It's time to be honest about your emotions without worrying about what others may think or feel about them. Seeking support through therapy can help offer you a safe and open space to talk without worrying about how others might see or judge you. If you're not sure where to start, consider these helpful therapist directories to help you get started in finding the right therapist for you: Althea: BIPOC DirectoryHealing in Color, BIPOC Therapist, Open Path Collective: Optimal for Reduced Fee Clients.

Another avenue you might consider is our therapists: We run a full-fee in-house therapy clinic where fees start at $50 per session. All of our practitioners also have discounted rates available so check them out (https://www.yourstorycounselling.com/ourteam) Whether you are looking for Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) or Solution Focused Therapy (SFT) or any other type of specific therapeutic treatment, reaching out to a therapist will be able to provide you with optimal guidance and a way to achieve your goals. We offer free 15-minute phone consultations to see who will be the best fit for you and your needs.

7. Spiritual Rest: Living With Meaning Learning about life and the meaning behind it is essential if you want to live a balanced and fulfilling life. Reading or listening to books is also a great way to understand the meaning of life and how others interpret it. The library is a great and affordable way to start, if you have a library card the Libby phone app gives you free audiobooks! Our favorites include: Peace is Every Step: Thich Nhat Hanh, Daring Greatly: Brene Brown, Grit: Angela Duckworth

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Website- www.yourstorycounselling.com

Email - Info@yourstorycounselling.com




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