Your story counselling |Trauma & Post Trauma Therapy services | Vaughan | Canada

 Your Story Counseling offers individual, couples and family trauma and sex therapy counseling for a variety of needs. All of our doctors have at least a master's degree in psychotherapy and employ research-backed methods and procedures. Our therapeutic practice for resident therapists provides cost-effective therapeutic solutions. We are passionate and compassionate professionals, driven by the mission of helping more people live a better and happier life every day.

All of us go through the winding footpaths of life and at one point in time experience moments that create long lasting impacts and changes in ourselves, our environment, and in the trajectory of our lives. Sometimes those experience can be positive, and sometimes they are negative. These negative experiences are we we define as traumatic events. 

The experience of trauma and traumatic events can be painful and excruciating. Sometimes these experiences leave us at more than just at a loss, but can continue to cause us pain and fear. These experiences can alter the way your mind works. Creating physical and emotional responses to triggers that remind you of your trauma. Even when you are unaware of these triggers, you can be left feeling overactive and hyper-vigilant to certain moments and interactions. The post traumatic consequences (often known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD) of these triggers is that you can feel like you are on constant alert to prevent future danger and pain; even when there is none to be presently found. If left untreated it can lead to one feeling loss and overwhelmed and increase rates of risky or dangerous behaviours (i.e. increased aggression and violence, increased substance use, increased physical and mental distress). 

 Our goal is help you heal. We offer a safe space and environment to begin the process of talking about your pain as a means to start processing what had happened to you. Talking about trauma doesn't always mean retelling your story. We work with each individual uniquely in order to find the path of healing that is more effective for them. We utilize a variety of techniques including a highly effective form of trauma therapy called EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) to help folks through this process in order to help you rediscover hope and empowerment. Understanding our past gives us an ability to take control what we want our future to look like. We believe that all people deserve to live a life free from fear and pain, all of us deserve a little help along the way. 

Some Common Issues People Address In Trauma Therapy: ​

Family Transitions (Separation, Divorce, Blended Families)

·    Substance Abuse

·    Physical Abuse

·    Sexual Abuse

·    Emotional Abuse

·    Generational Trauma 

·    Cultural and Social Trauma 

Some Typical Goals in Trauma Therapy:

·    Process Past Traumas Without Getting Stuck or Re-Traumatized

·    Reducing  and/or Eliminating Post Trauma Symptoms (Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Angry Outbursts, Fear)

·    Help Shift Focus From the Reliving the Past to the Staying in Present

·    Improve Daily Functioning

·    To Reclaim Hope and Power

·    To Overcome Negative Coping Skills and Methods 

·    To Gain Insight into the past and Prevent Relapse 



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